Once, on a dark and dreary night while wandering the nooks of my subconscious I found this being that subtly absorbed me...


Other Worlds

- Done in Terragen and Photoshop.


- Done in 3Ds Max and post-process in Photoshop.

Heart Realms

- Done in Blender and Photoshop.

Abstract Space

- Abstract Wallpaper done in Photoshop.

My Wallpaper

- Wallpaper done in Photoshop.

Old Kingdom Paradise

- Composition done in 3Ds Max and Photoshop.

Distant Place

- Digital Painting done in Photoshop.


Imago from Vítor Guerreiro on Vimeo.
Sou um autodidacta (3d, Fotografia, Produção Cinematográfica) com 18 anos de idade.

Fiz esta curta metragem com o intuito de participar num concurso de curtas metragens amadoras, com esta qualifiquei-me entre os 10 melhores filmes.

P.s.: Software utilizado: Blender 3D, Adobe After Effects


I am self-taught (3d, photography, film production), with 18 years old.

I made this short film in order to participate in a contest for amateur short films, I was qualified among the 10 best films.

Ps: Software used: Blender 3D, Adobe After Effects


. imaginationside.blogspot.com/

. diariofotografico-vitor.blogspot.com/

. azigoth.deviantart.com/

Creative Commons:

Licença Creative Commons
This obra by Vítor Guerreiro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.